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The Egyptian ankh cross is a popular symbol among Christians. The ankh is a religious symbol that is believed to represent the cross of Jesus. But, some also believe it to be satanic and to be a symbol of the devil and his rites. The ankh has also been linked to paganism and Satanism. Some believe the ankh to be a symbol of witchcraft and pagan worship. The ankh is also used in ceremonial magic and is often depicted in occultist artwork.  Is Ankh Satanic or Illuminati ? The question often troubles Christians and people interested in esotericism. Egyptian Ankh Necklace Why the...

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The ancient ankh is a powerful symbol that has been used for many centuries. The egyptian cross is often pictured alongside other symbols that represent the deities of Ancient Egyptian religion like the goddess Isis is also believed to represent eternal life.  The ankh is a sacred symbol that has been used by many different cultures, and is often seen as a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. It is used as a meditation tool, and is said to help practitioners connect with their Higher Self . Why do meditation ?  In today's world, it is becoming more and more popular to meditate. Meditation...

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Crosses have been used as religious symbols for centuries, and there are many different types of crosses. There are many similarities and differences between the Christian cross and the ancient egyptian ankh cross. Both are religious symbols that are often depicted in artwork and used in rituals. However, there are also a few key differences between the two symbols. Game of Differences First and foremost, the Christian cross is typically taller than the ankh cross. The ankh cross is also more commonly depicted as a loop or as a cross with a loop at the top. The Christian cross is...

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Video by HD WorldRunnaz (Hiiigher Dimensionz) Do you know that there is a great debate in the world of fashion? There are different schools of thought and there’s no real agreement. Some people say that it’s okay to wear an Ankh, while others say you should stay away from it. But there’s no agreement on which school is right and which one is wrong. Whether wearing religious symbols like crosses or ankh is a good idea depends on your personal values, beliefs, and faith. We have summarized here what we know about wearing crosses and other religious symbols in fashion. What...

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  There is no verses in the Bible that mentions Ankh, the cross of life in the ancient Egyptian religion. However, if you have an open mind, look carefully at our images and let the doubt and the instinct transport you... The origin of the cross The cross has its origin in the ancient Babylonians of Chaldea (see Babylon Mystery Religion). Chaldea is located south of present day Baghdad in the diamond formed by the lower Tigris and Euphrates rivers. From there, a rapid progression was made to China, India, parts of Africa including Egypt and other places around the world...

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