Egyptian Statues

Statues are the three-dimensional representation of a person, animal, or mythical being produced by sculpturing.

Statues show honor and appreciation for the heroes. Villains and negative people usually don't deserve statues, no matter how rich their history they had. Statues are mostly made of bronze, but gold, silver, brass, iron, and lead have also been used.

High-quality Ancient Egyptian Statues

Our collection of Egyptian statues perfectly matches any decorative style. When decorating, it's important to express your personality through colors, furnishings, and decorative objects. If you are passionate about ancient Egypt, you will appreciate displaying one of our Egyptian statuettes on your furniture and sideboards. Our carefully selected materials ensure high-quality, durable, and resistant Egyptian statues. Resin, in particular, provides an excellent finish that you will never tire of admiring.

What are Egyptian statues?

The Egyptians mostly used to build statues of their Gods with the belief that they will come to life. They also sculptured their kings and queens and considered them as their lucky charm that brings happiness and well-being to their life. The most famous sculpture is the Sphinx of Giza, made of limestone and located in Giza. Egyptian statues mostly depict the queens and kings, known as the Pharaohs. They believed that these sculptures would bring good health, prosperity, and protection in the afterlife.

What Egyptian Statues do we provide?

Our collection features beautifully carved statues of the Pharaohs and queens of the Egyptian era. Each Pharaoh and queen is depicted uniquely, showcasing their divine powers.

We offer a variety of statues symbolizing different Gods and pharaohs from ancient Egypt. Some examples include small Anubis statues, a skull figure of Tutankhamun, a figurine coffin mummy, Egyptian cat statues, statues of the God Horus, a Nefertiti figurine, an Egyptian statue music box, and a pyramid figurine. These figurines and statues will add an amazing aesthetic look to your home or office interior.

The small statue of Anubis:

Anubis was regarded as the God of the dead by the Egyptians. The characteristic jackal face and human body make it a must-watch piece. It is made of pure copper, and carved with immense care. It doesn't rust or dull, and the luster makes it more captivating.

Skull Figure of Tutankhamun:

Tutankhamun, the last pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, restored order to the land left in chaos by his father. He revived faith in the god Amun. The Egyptian statue of Tutankhamun's skull is highly demanded. The white skull figure in the middle is enclosed by a golden hat with a lustrous finish. The skull is crafted with fine details. Made of high-quality resin, it is lightweight and suitable for various settings such as living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, offices, gardens, desks, shelves, and car dashboards.

Coffin Mummy Egyptian statue:

Egyptian kings were mummified inside a coffin container called a sarcophagus. The sarcophagi were initially wide boxes or stone-made containers, later shaped to curve around the body. Coffins were usually made of wood, metal, or stone.

We offer two designs of the mummified coffin Egyptian statue. One type features the sarcophagus containing the mummified body, while the other one does not. The bodies are carved with fine details, holding a crook and flail in hand. They are available in six different colors and are perfect for decorating rooms and office tables or shelves. They don't easily rust, and their shine can be restored by wiping them with a silk cloth.

Pyramid Figurine:

This Egyptian pyramid is one of the seven wonders of the world and a famous structure in Egyptian history. It is believed that the Pharaoh's tombs were built in pyramid shapes. Deep inside the Egyptian Pyramids is the Pharaoh's burial chamber, filled with treasures and items for their use in the afterlife.

The Egyptian Pyramid statues we provide are elegantly crafted in three-dimensional shapes. What adds to their elegance are the different sacred patterns carved over the pyramids. Some designs feature the Eye of Horus, while others showcase the Ankh cross and other sacred signs. These Egyptian statues are available in different colors and designs, made of pure platinum, alloy, or gold. They don't easily rust or dull.

Grab the best piece in town and let it give a fascinating touch to your home or workplace!

The Egyptian Statues: Ancient Symbols of Culture and Belief

Have you ever seen an Egyptian statue? Have you wondered what symbolism these ancient statues hold? The Egyptians were major contributors to the art world, creating some of the most famous pieces in history. They possessed incredible skills in metalworking and stonecutting.

The Egyptian civilization lasted for thousands of years, influencing other cultures worldwide. Here are some reasons why Egyptian statues are important for culture and belief.

The Art of Egypt

Art expresses culture. Egyptian art stands out from the rest, playing a significant role in shaping the culture of Egypt. In addition to their architecture and hieroglyphs, the statues created by Egyptians symbolize their culture and beliefs. They hold a deep connection with the gods and are considered blessings when made in their likenesses.

Learning about ancient cultures and their beliefs through art is fascinating. Every culture is different and holds unique values.

In Egypt, statues are a common form of art, depicting both religious and familial scenes. For example, the statue of Tuthmosis III symbolizes his power as a pharaoh. The statue was part of a larger tomb where Tuthmosis III could watch over his wife and son, who were also buried there.

The Egyptians valued family and power, believing that if they had statues of themselves, they could continue to watch over their loved ones. Egyptian statues can be found in museums and art galleries worldwide, representing the beauty and culture of ancient Egypt.

The symbolism in the statues

Egyptian statues hold symbolic meanings, representing the importance of the afterlife and daily life. The way statues are depicted tells stories about their beliefs. For example, some statues have one foot on the ground and one foot in the afterlife, symbolizing the importance of living life to the fullest.

Most statues are carved from limestone or granite. The stone reflects different colors as the sun moves across the sky, giving each statue a unique look. Egyptians used these colors to convey the meaning of life and death.

These statues symbolize the culture and beliefs of ancient Egyptians. They believed that statues would bring their ancestors' spirits to life. Statues were placed in temples or near tombs to serve as vessels for their souls.

The Egyptian civilization revolved around gods and goddesses, often depicted as animals or beings. Statues would show animals, humans, and plants, portraying the Trinity. These statues showcased the culture and beliefs of ancient Egypt.

How Egyptian statues influenced other cultures

The Egyptian civilization lasted for thousands of years, greatly influencing other cultures worldwide. The Egyptians' skill as artisans, including their statue creations, played a significant role in the evolution of culture.

Egyptian statues are a testament to the advanced skills and artistry of the Egyptians. They represent their culture and beliefs, telling stories about what it means to be alive and what it means to die.

The Egyptians' fascination with the afterlife and death led them to create statues as vessels for the soul and a way to remember their ancestors. These statues symbolize power, culture, and belief. They continue to be admired and appreciated for their beauty and historical significance.

Ancient Egyptians were creative people who made some of the most famous pieces of art in history. Some of these pieces are the Sphinx, the Obelisk, King Tut’s Tomb, and more.

Their influence on other cultures is huge. Lots of cultures have adopted symbols from Egyptian culture. For example, the Ankh, an Egyptian symbol that represents life, is still used to this day in some cultures.

The Egyptian culture has influenced other cultures in many ways. It’s not just through their art. The Egyptian religious culture has also influenced religious beliefs in many countries. For example, they influenced the Golden Age of Greece during the 6th century B.C.E. The Golden Age of Greece is when the arts flourished and people used philosophy to explore questions about life.

The Egyptian civilization was one of the most advanced civilizations in history. They possessed incredible skills in metalworking and stonecutting.

Egyptian artistry was influential, and people from all over the world traveled to Ancient Egypt to learn more about this culture.

Many of the civilizations that came after the Egyptians borrowed heavily from their art and architecture. One other example is the Athenians, who copied some of the architectural styles from Ancient Greece.

Greeks modeled statues of the god Zeus after those of the Egyptian god Amon-Ra. There are many cases where cultures around the world have been influenced by the Egyptian history of the New-kingdom.

The Ancient Greeks also borrowed their alphabet from the Egyptians. It was originally known as “hieroglyphs” and was only used by priests who were closely tied to the culture of hieroglyphics.

When Alexander invaded Egypt in 332 BCE, he found out about hieroglyphs and spread them to other cultures. This led to the alphabet that we’re familiar with today which is used by many cultures across the globe.

Why do Egyptian statues have broken noses?

The Egyptian statues, regardless of what type they are, all have one thing in common: they all have broken noses in upper and lower Egypt.

It's widely debated as to why the noses of many Egyptian statues were snapped off.

One theory is that the noses were intentionally broken off by early Christians to demonstrate that their god, Jesus Christ, was superior to the gods of the Egyptians.

Another theory is that the noses were broken off as a symbolic way to keep the statues from coming alive and haunting the living people.

Still, other theories contend that they have broken the noses off as a result of much more recent acts of vandalism.

Other theories tell someone intentionally broke these monuments to hide that an Egyptian person had an African face.

There is an agreement between the monarchs and the deities about the official religion of Pharaonic Egypt. The pharaohs revere the divinity, who protects Egypt in exchange.

Statues and bas-reliefs serve as a point of contact between the supernatural and the natural world. And each iconoclastic act has the potential to undermine this authority. "The injured component of the body is unable to perform its function," Edward Bleiberg says. "Without a nose, the statue-spirit is unable to breathe and hence dies. Without a nose, the statue spirit is unable to breathe and hence dies.

Each act of vandalism has a purpose. As we just witnessed, breaking the nose kills the deity. The statue's ears are shattered, rendering it deaf to please. In human depictions, the right arm ensures that the sacrifice to the gods is not damaged. Because belief pervades society, the tomb robber will also raid the representations. Certainly, he seeks expensive items, but by mutilating the statue of a wealthy person, he shelters himself from the latter's wrath.

Iconoclasm is a political act on a huge scale. It enables current and future leaders to rewrite history to suit their purposes. Thus, Pharaoh Thutmose III obliterated all evidence of Hatshepsut, his mother-in-law, who presided over the regency for seven years and questioned the pharaoh's legitimacy. Akhenaten, his son, and successor destroyed the pictures of the previous deities to establish new worship devoted to Aten. His wife Nefertiti and his daughters were victims of iconoclastic crimes.

Iconoclasm had grown so widespread that the ancient Egyptians sought to protect their statues. In temples, sculptures were placed in niches that were surrounded on three sides. Between the first and third centuries, when Christianity arrived in Egypt, the indigenous gods were seen as demons, and their images were assaulted. Then, and particularly with Islam, remnants of the Pharaonic era were recycled into various structures.


The Egyptian civilization is one of the most studied and well-known (as we can) civilizations of the past.

Ancient Egyptian culture is one of the most well-known in human history. The Egyptian civilization began with the Old Kingdom, which dates back to nearly 2700 BC. It was the home of many advancements in art, architecture, and science.

One of their most famous structures is the Sphinx, which has intrigued people for centuries because of its mysterious origins. These statues were not only physical symbols of power - but they were also symbols of culture and belief.

These statues are the ultimate fashion statement (though fashion wasn't a thing back then) and offer insight into an ancient world that once was.

The Egyptian statuary is important because it serves as a reminder of an ancient civilization that reached its zenith of power and influence.

For thousands of years, the Egyptians were at the forefront of art, architecture, science, and culture. They were one of the world's first great civilizations.

From the Sphinx to the Great Pyramid, their contributions are still visible today.

The Egyptian statues are important symbols of culture and belief today. They are a reminder of ancient people with incredible skill. They are a testament to human history.

The statues were important for culture and belief because they would often depict gods, goddesses, and other religious figures from the Egyptian scriptures. They were also very important to the Egyptians themselves because they would often make offerings to these statues.

These statues were art that the Egyptians could create and express themselves with. Many other cultures have borrowed ideas from these sculptures, giving them a place in our history as well.

Egyptian statues F.A.Q

What are the Egyptian statues called?

A ka statue is a type of ancient Egyptian statue intended to provide a resting place for the ka (life force or spirit) of the person after death. The ancient Egyptians believed the ka, along with the physical body, the name, the Ba (personality or soul), and the šwt (shadow), made up the five aspects of a person.

What is the most famous statue in Egypt?

The Great Sphinx of Giza is the oldest known monumental sculpture in Egypt and one of the most recognizable statues in the world. The archaeological evidence suggests that ancient Egyptians created it in the Old Kingdom during the reign of Khafre (c. 2558–2532 BC).

Most scholars date the Great Sphinx to the 4th dynasty and affix ownership to Khafre. However, some believe that Khafre's older brother Redjedef (Djedefre) built it to commemorate their father, Khufu, whose pyramid at Giza we know as the Great Pyramid.

What does Egyptian statues represent?

In considering the clear sculptural qualities of Late period work, one should never overlook the primary purpose of most Egyptian sculpture: to represent the individual in death before Osiris, or in life and death before the deities of the magnificent temples.

Why are Egyptian statues important?

Ancient Egyptians made a lot of sculptures to include in the burial tombs of their pharaohs. The sculptures were not only images of the pharaoh and his family but also of people, animals, and slaves that surrounded him during his life. They sculpted statues, chariots, animals, birds, and pictures of their lives.

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Embark on a journey of creativity and self-expression with our curated collection of Egyptian jewelry and statues, where each piece invites you to unleash your unique style and creativity. Discover artifacts crafted with craftsmanship and infused with the spirit of individuality. To facilitate your quest for self-discovery and empowerment, we offer complimentary shipping on all orders, ensuring that these inspiring treasures find their way to you with care. Dispatched within 3 working days, these artifacts are expected to arrive within 3 to 7 working days, marking the beginning of your journey towards embracing your creativity. In the rare event that your quest for personal empowerment is delayed beyond 40 days, rest assured with a full refund, knowing that your support for self-expression remains unwavering.

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