Ankh pendant meaning

Ankh pendant meaning

The Ankh or the cross of life is an Egyptian symbol very well known thanks to its mystical and spiritual side. It fascinates almost everyone who is closely or remotely related to the world of esotericism.

Its history and origin remain unclear and divide the opinion of many experts. You have already heard about this Egyptian symbol but you still ignore its real spiritual meaning? Then you've come to the right place!

You should know that the Ankh comes from the ancient culture of Egypt and that it has several benefits and virtues. If you are interested, discover without further delay through this complete article the origin, the meaning and the powers of the cross of life.


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The cross of life is one of the oldest sacred symbols in the world. It is therefore very difficult to trace its origin. The data remains until today insufficient to specify the date and the exact place of its first appearance.

Some research reveals that the Egyptians began using it long ago, around 3150 to 2613 BC. At that time, the ankh was incorporated into ritual ceremonies as a protective talisman.

The spiritual and esoteric symbol was drawn on temple walls, steles or statues or friezes. Blacksmiths also carved mirrors in the form of the cross of life.

According to history, the Ankh would have been the origin of a Christian cross called "Crux Ansata" whose name means "cross with a handle" or "annealed cross".

Indeed, the Egyptian believers would have seen the Ankh symbol inside the temple of the god Sarapis during its destruction. Later, they adopted an almost identical version and they generally use it to celebrate the victory of life over death.


In Egyptian culture, the Ankh symbol is primarily a hieroglyph in the form of a T (tau). It has about the same structure as a Latin cross.

The cross of life or ankh cross consists first of a loop that forms like a drop of water, then of a small horizontal blade and finally of a long vertical bar. According to its spiritual meaning, each of these elements represents several contradictory patterns.

The loop may symbolize infinity or the sun which is the realm of the god Ra. It reflects the image of the sun star resting on the axis of the horizon. It embodies the celestial world, the home of the spirits of the gods.

As for the horizontal bar, Egyptologists often associate it with our world and that of the deities. Finally, the vertical bar shows the trajectory of the sun. The star rises and then falls again.

The Ankh cross is often seen on representations of several deities of Egyptian mythology. It is either drawn near the mouth or the nose. The image thus evokes a person who breathes life.

This symbol usually appears on the representation of the goddess Isis, the goddess of truth Maat, the sun god Atum or the warrior goddess Sekhmet.


The cross of life occupies an important place in the culture of ancient Egypt. Its use is thus reflected in various facets of daily life. That is why this symbol has several meanings for the people living at that time.



The term ânkh or anokh means life in Egyptian. For the people of the pharaohs, the cross of life or the ankh symbolizes life in all its facets.

It should be noted that in the Egyptian civilization, life is like a blessing and should be appreciated. The Egyptians are then very grateful to the deities.

Therefore, they were obsessed with death as it marked the end of this precious gift, hence the celebration of codified death ceremonies, the creation of gigantic tombs or the mummification of the deceased.


Taking into account its shape that resembles the female and male reproductive organ, this Egyptian symbol represents the union of contradictory forces as the relationship between woman and man.

The oval figure evokes the uterus and the cross is symbolic of the phallus. The Ankh embodies the energetic balance and harmony of the world.

There are also other examples such as heaven and earth, up and down, hot and cold, active and passive, abstract and concrete, etc. Through this interpretation, this symbol resembles the yin and yang of Chinese culture since it conveys the same message.

According to some experts, the cross of life alludes to the relationship between the two Egyptian gods Osiris and Isis. Associated with mortuary rites, these Egyptian deities are the perfect embodiment of the sacred union.

After Osiris was killed by the god Set, his wife Isis gathered his remains to give him life again. The two then mated to give birth to Horus, the figure who would later defeat Set.


As it symbolizes the union between woman and man, the cross of life evokes fertility. In the dictionary of hieroglyphs, the word Ankh can have a meaning "seed of life" when associated with other characters.

This interpretation is also reflected in the act of the deity Isis in the face of the death of her husband Osiris. It is then possible to translate this symbol as the victory of life over death.

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For the people of ancient Egypt, the annealed cross was considered the key to the afterlife. According to their belief, it guides the deceased kings during the passage to the other world so that their soul can join the eternal life or the Nun.

This place is the primordial Ocean which is the source or origin of everything. This symbol reflects the eternal struggle of the sun god Ra.

The latter has reigned since the dawn of time over the solar star and confronts the forces of chaos every night. Each time, he emerges victorious thanks to the Ankh symbol that he holds in his hand.


During excavations, Egyptologists have found mirrors in the shape of a cross of life. For the Egyptians of the time of the pharaohs, these objects have magical properties and powerful powers.

They were used for spiritualist purposes in order to establish communication with the dead. In other words, the Ankh symbol is also a great help for the personal quest. The oval part reflects the third eye which is the eye of the universal consciousness.

The mirrors with this cross thus allow for introspection. Whether it is for spiritual observation or the search for inner truth, everyone can have these types of mirrors, including priests or the pharaoh.


The cross of life is the attribute of the pharaohs and they use it to establish their authority. Very often, these kings wear it by the buckle with the arms crossed on the chest.

The Egyptians also consider this symbol as a sign of respect towards the soul of the deceased. That is why it is possible to find the engraving of the Andean cross on tombs, statues, temples, etc.




Nowadays, the cross of life is becoming more and more popular in western countries. It has a double facet since it is both considered as a decorative art and a talisman with a strong spiritual meaning.

Some people particularly appreciate it because of its aesthetic side. They use it as a jewel or integrate it in their tattoos. There is also a category of artists who draw it on urban murals, clothes or books.

This symbol can have several forms, from the simplest to the most sophisticated. It has a great notoriety in various fields since it can attract ordinary people as well as stars or important people.

It can also interest people who may or may not know its value and exact meaning.

For other people, the ankhorn cross is far from being a simple decorative figure. It still represents the values that the people of ancient Egypt venerated. It remains for this category of people an important and meaningful esoteric figure.

It is still considered a source of balance and harmony between contradictory forces, a bridge between the world of the living and the dead, etc. This symbol is therefore of great value to communities interested in the religions of ancient Egypt.

This is why it is often associated with the image of the religion of Kemet, a religious movement that today advocates the beliefs of the people of Pharaoh. New age and neo-pagan followers also use it as a symbol of life or wisdom.

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As it represents harmony and balance between opposing forces, the cross of life could bring peace to the person who evokes it or wears it. It thus calms inner conflicts.

For the followers of the ancient Egyptian religion, this symbol is considered as an amulet or a protective talisman. It is like a shield of protection. It is in this sense that the Egyptians wore this cross around their necks or hung it in their homes.

These people also made mirrors in the form of an annealed cross. The symbol allows the person who uses it to observe the sacred inner light that lies deep within their being.


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