Did Pharaohs have Ankh ?

Did Pharaohs have Ankh ?

The ankh is a ancient Egyptian symbol that incorporates the key concepts of life, death and rebirth. It often appears as an accessory in pharaonic depictions and has been used for millennia to signify these concepts. The pharaoh of Egypt used it to prove his power to the people and to establish their authority. At that time, the Egyptians wore the Egyptian cross as a protective amulet. Since the end of the 20th century, the Ankh is used in a decorative way.

The ankh was mainly used as a necklace, but it also appeared on collars, bracelets, crowns, rings and anklets. The meaning of the ankh is not entirely certain but most scholars agree that it has several different meanings depending on context. This article will discuss its meaning and use in pharaonic art and culture.


Why did pharaohs wear Ankh?

Pharaohs wear the Ankh because it represents life. The Ankh is a symbol of life because it is a key component in the process of rebirth. It is also a symbol of death because it is used to signify the end of life and the start of a new one.

They wore it during their life to show they were coming back to life after death. That's also why when they were buried, this symbol was placed on their chest.

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How was the ankh used in art?

The ankh was used in Egyptian art in two main ways. The first was as a symbol of life to signify eternal life and everlasting prosperity. The ankh was often found in scenes depicting two deities embracing, as they symbolize eternal and inseparable love. The ankh was also placed in tombs to signify this.

However, the ankh was not used to depict death in the same way as the cross. Unlike the cross, which is used to depict Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins, the ankh was used to depict eternal life and love.

The ankh was also found in tomb paintings and was placed in tombs, along with other symbols of life and love. 

 Ankh cross Wood Amulet

The symbolism of the ankh

The Ankh is often associated with the goddess Isis and her role of bringing life to the world. The ankh may also represent the sun and rebirth, as it is a symbol that is frequently found next to the sun.


Ancient Egyptians wore ankhs on their legs

The most common way that the ankh was used in art was as a necklace, crown, or headdress. Ankhs were also often used as a pendant for bracelets and anklets.

Anklets and anklet borders often functioned as symbolizations of the mother goddess Isis and her role in bringing life and fertility to the world. Anklets and anklets were often made of faience, a type of clay that was used to make household items such as jars and figurines.

Anklets were also often made of carnelian, a type of red-colored stone.

Ankh Earrings


The cultural impact of the ankh

The ankh was a very popular symbol in ancient Egypt and was used in art, jewelry, amulets and even in hieroglyphs. However, its popularity declined significantly after the Roman Empire took over as its primary meaning was replaced by the cross. It was not until the Middle Ages that the ankh once again became popular as a symbol of eternal love and life.



The ankh is a symbol with deep cultural significance and meaning. The ankh often appears in art and is used to symbolize eternal life, love and prosperity. The ankh was also commonly worn as jewellery and was often found in scenes depicting the goddess Isis, who is often associated with the ankh. The ankh is still used today and can be found in jewellery, amulets and even hieroglyphs. The ankh is a symbol with eternal meaning and should be included in the symbol repertoire of any organisation.


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