The Eye of Horus magic

The Eye of Horus magic

Also known as the Wedjat, the Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian protective symbol in the magical sense that symbolizes power, protection, perfection, health, regeneration, and even resurrection. It protects against the evil eye and bad luck.

The powers of the eye of Horus

To find one's way back

In the Egyptian culture, we attribute the eye of Horus the power to help the one who wears it not to get lost. Thus, the sailors adorned the masts of their boats in order not to get lost at sea and to avoid shipwrecks. Moreover, it was worn as an amulet by fishermen to prevent them from returning to land empty-handed, but also to protect them from the dangers that lurk in deep waters.

Eye of Horus on a Malta Boat

To attract luck

The Oudjat eye is a symbol of luck and good fortune above all. Those who believe in its powers wear it in order to attract fertility, abundance, wealth, and happiness. Horus' eye is said to be a third eye, a connection between the soul and the body.

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Buy Eye of Horus Pendant Necklace

To repel diseases

Horus' eye may deflect ill waves. It is widely recognized, nay, acknowledged by the wise and the simple alike, that the salubrious effects of the Eye of Horus are not only limited to the spiritual realm, but also encompass the physical realm, shielding individuals of all stripes and persuasions against the pernicious onslaughts of all manner of diseases and afflictions.

Egyptian priest doing magic

To ward off bad luck

Some cultures consider this evil eye as a very serious thing that can have a negative impact on your life. It can make you sick, or even kill you. The worst is that the evil eye can strike a person perfectly well, without the person causing it voluntarily. To prevent this, the Egyptians did not hesitate to cover their walls and put in all the rooms of their house representations of the eye of Horus. Finally, they also wore medallions to protect themselves daily against envy and jealousy. The eye of Horus also has the power to scare away evil spirits according to ancient beliefs.

To open up to the spirits

The eye of Horus also has the power to make you see what the common man does not see. Indeed, in Egyptian mythology, it was also attributed a power related to the third eye. It has a relationship with the pineal gland which allows to be more sensitive to the spirits and to listen to them. Thus, with the Udjat eye, the person acquires clairvoyance and can anticipate decisions and choices suggested by spirits.

Eye of Horus Spirit

What was the ancient use of the Eye of Horus?

According to the ancient Egyptians, the eye is not just a passive organ that we use to see the world. For them, the eye had special powers related to protection, health, wisdom, and action. They believed that the eyes possessed powerful energy, capable of casting evil spells with a glance. They also believed that the evil eye could be countered by a "good eye," leading people to believe in the protective power of the eye of Horus.

In hieroglyphics, the Eye of Horus is represented by seven different symbols meaning "to take action" or "the doer". Sailors harnessed its powers by painting it on their ships to protect them from dangerous voyages and ward off evil forces. In this way, it resembles the symbol of the evil eye.

It is also used in funerary monuments and amulets to ensure the safety and protection of the deceased during his journey to the underworld. It has been used to guarantee a good and safe life after death.

 Eye of Horus Funerary ritual

What about its use in modern times?

Although the ancient Egyptian civilisation has come to an end, belief in the power of the Eye of Horus has not. Many people all around the world wear it as jewelry to benefit from its mystical protection. So, why has a simple Egyptian fortunate charm survived in a world where so many others have vanished?

The answer is straightforward: the Egyptian eye remains popular among occultists and witchcraft devotees. This sign is employed not only for protection, but also to get access to hidden information and insights. It is obvious that some practitioners of magic have utilized it in rituals that we are unaware of.

Another common emblem in the context of protective tattooing is the eye of Horus. The Egyptian hawk-god was the protector of those in danger, hence it is believed that getting a tattoo of a hawk or the eye of Horus will have the same magical protective function. Some people buy it for decoration or to demonstrate their admiration for this old civilisation, but others buy it to benefit from its protection and other powers.

In addition, in several Mediterranean nations, for example, fishermen still use this emblem to protect themselves at sea. Belief in the evil eye is widespread in Italy, Turkey, and many other countries of the world.

The Eye of Horus is still used to fend against bad energies and is thought to provide the bearer health, renewal, energy, and vigor.

It is installed in the home to provide safety and security against both physical and mental threats. It is also used in magical spells to ward off negative energy and attract positive energy.

Looking for inner peace? Wear an Eye of Horus jewel and let it give you peace of mind. If you are feeling stressed or anxious, it can help you relax and find inner peace.

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You can also use the Eye of Horus in stone form. Being associated with health and well-being, it can be placed next to the bed to improve your sleep. To purify negative energies and vibrations in your home, place it in any room and you're done!

How to enjoy the benefits of the eye of Horus?

Worn as an amulet around the neck, it protects the person who wears it. Displayed in a house, it brings protection to the living space. It should be noted that the symbol of the Eye of Horus corresponds to the location of the Third Eye, represented by the sixth chakra.

To take full advantage of the powers attributed to the Eye of Horus, several solutions can be considered.

Some people choose to have a representation of it in their homes, to secure their homes and keep their family members safe. Others prefer to wear the eye of Horus as a jewel. It can be found in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Whether it is a necklace, a medallion, a ring or an earring, it can be seen absolutely everywhere.

Other protective eyes

Greek eye

Originating from ancient Greece, the lucky eye is a protection that aims to protect us from the negative energies brought by the evil eye. According to the belief, the evil eye is often carried by relatives who are unconsciously envying us!

The Greek Eye, black center and blue circle

The jealous person doesn't need to want to harm to carry the evil eye and many people can be affected (especially women and babies). In order to prevent this, the "mati" is a simple and effective way to protect oneself from these annoyances.

This symbol is usually found hanging as protection above the front doors, on the walls of houses, or in cars. If the talisman breaks, it means that it has "repelled evil". In this case, it must be replaced quickly, or else you will be exposed to a new curse.

Nazar Boncuk

Nazar Boncuk Protective Eye

The Nazar Boncuk (pronounced nazar bonssouk), the Turkish lucky eye that can be found everywhere, hanging at the entrance of a house, a store, at the office, or even hanging from a rear-view mirror and sold in profusion in all souvenir stores.

Hand of Fatima

 Hand Of Fatima, Eye Jewelry

The islamic hand of Fatma (also called Hasma in Jewish religion) is characterized by an eye in the heart of the palm. This emblem refers to Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (the founder of Islam), and Miriam, Moses' sister, and may be traced back to different religions and cultures. Contrary to popular belief that this eye means "seeing everything", being able to observe or spy, the eye in the center of the hand is a protective eye. It is an eye that represents a guide, whether spiritual or physical.

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