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‍ The answer is clear: yes. Indeed, the Ankh Cross is exactly similar to the Coptic Cross in its form. The only question for the Christian who wears this cross is: what does it mean to me ? And would wearing the ankh cross, as part of black culture, be cultural appropriation? Although Catholics are considered heretics and idolaters by Protestants because they possess religious objects and pray to the Virgin Mary (often referred to Isis, the Mother Goddess of Ancient Egypt, who gave birth to the God Horus without the Phallus of Osiris) ), Christians remain, from near or far, partially...

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A white person can wear an Ankh cross as part of showing affection for this fantastic ancient culture. It is also not wrong for a white person to wear an ankh cross as long as he or she is in harmony with what this symbol represents.Some white people lived in Egypt after being captured by the war and assimilated into the customs and traditions of the ancient Egyptian civilization. So there were white people of color who wore ankh crosses in ancient Egypt.However, it should be kept in mind that the Ankh Cross is a strong symbol of the Black...

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‍ The ankh is a ancient Egyptian symbol that incorporates the key concepts of life, death and rebirth. It often appears as an accessory in pharaonic depictions and has been used for millennia to signify these concepts. The pharaoh of Egypt used it to prove his power to the people and to establish their authority. At that time, the Egyptians wore the Egyptian cross as a protective amulet. Since the end of the 20th century, the Ankh is used in a decorative way. The ankh was mainly used as a necklace, but it also appeared on collars, bracelets, crowns, rings...

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The Ankh (also known as crux ansata, the cross with two arms), is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic ideograph that has been used as a symbol for concepts such as life, eternity, balance, function and many more. It’s frequently found in wall paintings of tombs or on amulets and to this day you will see it on scarves or key rings. The concept behind it is quite simple: It symbolizes the joining of male and female in order to have offspring – hence the association with fertility.   What does the color of the Ankh mean today ? Green - Good...

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The cross is an ancient kemet symbol in the form of an intersection, formed by two or more lines. The "region" is an area defined by the intersection (so there are usually four regions). But is Ankh the Original and First of All Crosses ?  Etymology The term cross comes from the Latin word crux which means "gallows".According to the Robert historique de la langue française, "As early as Plautus (254-184 B.C.), crux is common in Latin and enters proverbial expressions; it takes the meaning of "moral torture" and, by metonymy, designates the tormentor." General symbolism The cross is the...

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