Eye of Horus Spiritual Meaning vs Eye of Ra : Differences and Similarities

Eye of Horus Spiritual Meaning vs Eye of Ra : Differences and Similarities

The Eye of Horus and the Eye of Ra are two ancient and mysterious symbols still used nowadays in unicode text, or in the RX logo. We often confuse the eye of Ra with the eye of Horus.

But what is the Eye of horus , are the differences and the similarities between these Eyes ?

We'll explore them in this article and explain the myths behind these two powerful symbols.

Express resume

Eye of horus

  • The Eye of Horus has a rich history in ancient Egyptian mythology, often associated with protection 🛡️, health ⚕️, and prosperity 💸.
  • It symbolizes also wisdom, insight, and foresight. 🧘
  • According to mythology, Seth tore the eye of Horus into six pieces, representing the five senses and thought. 🧠
  • Because Hathor restored the eye of Horus, It is believed to have spiritual significance for healing and wholeness, with some believing it can transfer energy to aid recovery. 🚑
  • The Eye of Horus was used in amulets to ward off evil spirits and protect the wearer. 👹
  • In dreams, the Eye of Horus may indicate a need for inward healing or emotional support. 🫂

Eye of horus vs Eye of Ra

  • The right eye represents Ra's eye, and the left eye symbolizes the eye of Horus in Egyptian mythology.  👁️
  • Ra, the Sun god 🌞, is associated with power, anger, violence, and destruction, influencing monotheistic almighty gods.
  • Horus, the Moon god 🌕, is considered a guardian angel, responsible for divine interventions and protection, with a positive connotation. That's why the Eye of Horus is said to restore balance, heal, and bring peace
  • Both eyes are creative forces in Egyptian mythology ☯️, with Horus and Ra often depicted as humans with bird of prey heads. 🦅

Deeper Spiritual Meaning of the Eye of Horus

Golden Necklace

Horus Egyptian God 

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The dream of the eye of Horus represents your inner self. Indeed, the eyes reflect the soul, and this is the area they occupy in our unconscious consciousness.

Our unconscious mind needs dreams to communicate with us. Dream interpretation is frequently used by psychologists in their therapy. It is a widely accepted method of assisting customers in resolving their problems.

Each component of your dream about the Eye of Horus is significant. Cross-referencing information is required to get the correct interpretation.


Colors Meaning

The Eye of Horus is depicted in different colors, but some of the most common ones are:

  • Gold or yellow, which can represents the sun in certain contexts.
  • Black, which represents the pupil of the eye.
  • Red, which represents the blood that was shed by Horus.

Upside Down Eye of Horus Meaning

When shown upside down, it might show the mirror image, god sacrifices, or chaos. It can also represent the destruction of the Eye idea or the downfall of the deity Horus. However, an upside-down Eye of Horus is not a used sign in most circumstances, and its meaning may vary depending on context.

Ankh With the Eye of Horus Meaning

It is a mix of an ancient Egyptian symbol of life and health (ankh) , paired with the protection (Eye of Horus). It was thought to offer strength and healing.

In hieroglyphics, the Ankh symbol symbolized the word "life". Among its properties were protection and health restoration. The combination of the two symbols implies a desire for a long, healthy, and safe life.

Ankh cross with eye of horus

It harkens back to the ancient Egyptians' myths in the afterlife and the value of living a good life.

Today, this sign is popular in jewelry, tattoos, and artwork, serving as a reminder of Egyptian culture's everlasting principles.

Pyramid With the Eye of Horus Meaning

The Eye of Horus painted on a pyramid represents the pharaoh's protection and might.

He was thought to be Horus's divine representation on Earth.

The pyramid itself represents :

  • Stability
  • Durability
  • The authority of the pharaoh over life and death

Eye of Horus With Wings

It represents the Eye, protection and royal authority symbol, with wings, which symbolize freedom and the capacity to fly. This merged sign symbolizes a spiritual ascent, protection, and liberty.

 Eye of Horus With Wings
Eye of horus with wings showing the way

Dream Meaning

General Key Signification

Seeing Horus on a statuette or illustration in a dream signifies you're in the middle of inner transformation.

He might be seen in dreams as an eye or a solar disc with hawk-like wings. This Egyptian god may appear to anybody, whether they are Egyptian. He incites battles between the forces of light and darkness. He is the eye of justice, watching over the enforcement of God's rules over men.

It compels us to expose ourselves to the natural laws written in each of us.

We shall face the test that will force us to start from darkness to light. During an initiatory time, we see him in a dream.

Dreaming of Eye of Horus

Specific Dreams Interpretation

Seeing the eye of Horus in a dream may have several interpretations :

  1. Dreaming about Horus's eye may show justice will reach your aid.
  2. Horus's eye is the only one capable of seeing into the unseen. Dreams in which this passage is pictured frequently result from a life reflection, from an eschatological perspective. They represent a sense of life after life, of a world beyond this one.
  3. You can be betrayed. Maybe the betrayal comes from a trusted friend. Having to fight this fight will be painful. Trust your ability to understand people. Focus on your discernment and do not put everyone in the same bag. Trusted and straight people who only want you to feel happy also surrounded you. However, you can discuss this issue with this person in order to get back on track.
  4. You might face a fight at work. It may cause stress and make you irritable. Take a step back and try to find a quiet and wise alternative.
  5. When dreaming of having the eye of Horus, reveal that you are very hard with your companions. You may be wild if you dream of the eye of Horus. A person won't get close to you, and this could dissuade some dates from coming up.
  6. If you are experiencing romance, dreaming of having an eye of Horus shows you are not sure how you feel. Questions are many, but you can never get answers. You should stop your habits and let yourself be surprised to get back to your self-confidence. You should have more liberty or you will die. (Source: dreamyobsession.com)

Magic Using of the Eye of Horus

In ancient times, this symbol was used to counter evil forces and restore balance in life.

It was associated with burial gifts, as well as all deity offerings made in the temple ceremony.

Some might interpret it as a concept, such as the moon, whose waxing and waning were associated with eye damage.

This symbol was a powerful tool for healing wounds or restoring order to chaotic situations. It has been made from a variety of materials, including gold, lapis lazuli, and carnelian, and speaks of the living and the dead.

egyptian priest doing magic ritual
Ancient egyptian priest doing magic ritual

Healing Uses

Egyptian medicine involved both practical treatments and rituals that invoked divine powers, and Egyptian medical papyri do not distinguish between them. Healing rituals often equate patients with Horus so that it may heal them as Horus used to be.

Thus, the Eye of Horus is frequently mentioned in such spells. According to the Hearst papyrus, for instance, the physician performing the ritual is Thoth.

A text called Papyrus Leiden I 348 links each part of a person's body with a deity in order to protect it. They regard a left eye as the Eye of Horus. (Source: en.wikipedia.org)

The Magical texts of papyrus Leiden I 348
The Magical texts of papyrus Leiden I 348

Learn also => Is Eye of Horus Evil ?

    Difference between Eye of Ra and Eye of Horus

    In the Old Kingdom of Egypt, Horus was associated with both the right-eye and the left-eye.

    The right eye became later exclusively associated with Ra, the sun god. The Eye of Ra was worshiped to invoke creative energy and bring about new ideas and visions. He has a strong creative energy which may be used to solve problems, create new things, and symbolize hidden mysteries.

    The left eye, which has a tail to the right, represents the eye of Horus, the moon. The right eye, with a tail to the left, is the eye of Ra, the Sun.

    The Eye of Horus was associated with Mut, an ancient goddess, who was seen as a symbol of protection,authority, justice and natural order.

    The Ra’s eye, also named “daughter of ra” symbolized other strong and aggressive goddesses like Tefnut, Bast, Sekhmet, or Nekhbet.

    Ra's eye can see everything thanks to his unlimited vision powers. Horus's eye is more linked with the power of protect the overall physical integrity.

    Here is a table to summarize their differences

    Eye of Horus

    Eye of Ra


    Represents the power of the moon: shine in the night, show the way in the dark.

    Resurrection, protection and healing. or resurrect the dead.

    Represents the power of the sun : bright, hot, and unique.

    Symbol for protection and royal authority on the crowns of pharaohs.


    Human eye with a line and a spiral on the lower eyelid, representing the markings of the falcon's eye and tear.

    Falcon's eye with a sun disk and a cobra on top, which is the representation of the sun god and his protective cobra.


    Associated with the god Horus, son of Osiris and Isis.

    God of the sky, a war god, and a protector. Left eye of Horus injured during battle with his uncle Seth.

    Healed by the wisdom god Thoth, and became a symbol of protection and healing.

    Associated with the god Ra, sun god, all-knowing deity and creator of the universe.

    Separate entity sent out by Ra to destroy his enemies.

    Rebelled sometimes against Ra, who had to bring it back into submission.

    Travel with Ra, or watch over him when he sailed across the sky during the day, become at night the fierce goddess Hathor, protector of the pharaoh.


    Often worn as an amulet to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.

    Used as a symbol of the phases of the moon.

    Associated with the goddesses Wadjet and Nekhbet, respective protectors of Upper and Lower Egypt.

    Used as a symbol of royal authority and protection, and often depicted on the crowns of pharaohs.

    It has the power to destroy the enemies of Ra and the pharaoh.

    Similarities between them

    The Eye of Ra and the Eye of Horus are both important symbols in Ancient Egyptian culture and mythology and also share some similarities.

    For the Ancient Egyptians, they both possess an image of strength, power, and protection from evil forces.

    Both eyes are associated with Hathor, the “Goddess of Joy”, who has been present in Ancient Egypt since the dawn of time.

    The eyes both brought energy, whether it was for creative purposes or justice and order. Although both eyes are associated with different gods and goddesses, they each have the purpose to protecting people from harm and danger.

    Here is a table to summarize their similarities



    Mythological Association

    Both are associated with major gods in the Egyptian pantheon.
    Horus was Osiris’s and Isis’s son and a major deity in Egyptian mythology. Ra is the sun god creator of the universe, also a main deity..

    Protective Powers

    Both are believed to have protective powers.
    The Eye of Horus protects the wearer from harm and brings good luck.
    Ra’s eye destroys the enemies of Ra and the pharaoh and brings protection to the wearer.


    Both are stylized depictions of eyes that feature markings that symbolize their respective mythological associations.


    Both were used in Egyptian religious and funerary practice and to get protected.

    Eye of Horus and Ra combinaison Meaning

    These two symbols, when combined, represent a harmonic balance of strength and compassion, making them a potent sign of unification and spiritual equilibrium. Horus and Ra's eyes are frequently employed as symbols of protection, power, and good health in Egyptian art. These symbols remain important in current Egyptian culture and spirituality, and they provide witness to Egypt's rich history.

    Myths of Horus and RA

    The Eye Of Horus

    Horus, the sky god, is one of the original and earliest Egyptian gods. In hieroglyphics, Horus is usually depicted as a falcon or a man with a bird-head. He’s frequently associated with protection and resurrection.

    Horus's father is the divine King, Osiris. His mum is the mother goddess Isis.


    The legend tells us that Set (or Seth), the brother of Osiris, was jealous of his fertile kingdom. Some variants of the myth tell that he was jealous because of the adultery relationship between Osiris and his wife, Nephtys. Anyway, Set kills him to steal the power and take command of the throne. This led to a series of battles between Horus and his uncle. During those battles, Set lost his testicles, and Horus lost his left eye.

    The Eye of Horus is derived from this myth. Osiris was believed to be the King of Egypt by the ancient Egyptians, and his brother Set was the throne challenger. Set murdered his brother and became the new king through trickery. Isis used magic to temporarily resurrect her husband, Osiris. Osiris became the Underworld god, and Isis raised Horus on her own. Avenging the death of his father was a priority for Horus as he reached adulthood.

    Horus and Osiris
    Horus and Osiris

    During the battles, Set grabbed Horus's eye and cut it into six pieces. Thoth, the deity of knowledge and wisdom, searched for the fragments of the eye. He found only five pieces, so he replaced the last fraction with a divine particle. The six pieces combined together become the legendary Wedjat eye (also called Udjat and Wadjet). This eye allows Horus to see beyond reality.

    Another version of the myth tells that Horus himself gouged his eye out as a sacrifice to bring his father back from the dead. Horus' lost eye was magically restored by either Hathor (often regarded as her consort) or Thoth, the god of wisdom. Horus gave his eye to Osiris, whose renewing power kept him alive in the afterlife. Ancient Egyptians believed the Eye of Horus to be useful for healing.

    See Also:  

    The Eye of Ra

    The Eye of Ra is one of those solar symbols with a strong power and various purposes.

    Origin and Mythology

    The uraeus

    Since the Eye of Ra is based on a myth, it is very different than you would expect.

    Ra wanted to find his parents, so he sent his eye to find them.

    So, a new Ra’s eye was born to replace it. Ra became very upset that the first eye was replaced.

    Then, Ra piqued the first eye and turned it into uraeus (the snake that you can see on the pharaoh's crown). He put it over his eyes, on his forehead.

    Bastet, the cat goddess, is another representation of the Eye of Ra. Bastet protects him against the snake divinity named Apep.

    Eye of Horus Earrings

    Elevate Your Style with Eye of Horus Earrings

    Discover the essence of ancient Egyptian mystique with our Eye of Horus Earrings.

    These stunning pieces blend historical significance with modern elegance, making them a perfect addition to any jewelry collection.

    Eye of Horus Earrings
    The Boat of Ra

    Some egyptians believe that Ra was sailing in his boat in the sky and going to the underworld at night. 

    In ancient Egypt, Ra was revered as the god of the sun and the embodiment of life itself. According to mythology, Ra sailed his boat across the sky during the day, and at night, he journeyed through the underworld, where he battled the forces of darkness to be reborn with the rising sun.

    This story was more than just a myth to the ancient Egyptians, who believed that it symbolized the cycle of life, death, and rebirth that was central to their understanding of the afterlife. For them, Ra's journey was a powerful metaphor for the journey that every soul must undertake in order to achieve eternal life.

    The importance of this myth was reflected in the fact that the pharaohs, who were believed to be earthly embodiments of Ra, were expected to join him on his journey through the underworld after they died. This was seen as the key to securing their own rebirth and eternal life, and it was a central part of their beliefs about the afterlife.

    It is a testament to the enduring power of mythology and the human desire to understand the mysteries of life, death, and the afterlife.

    The human Ra

    Ra, in his human form, became weak and old. Because of his vulnerability, Egyptian folks started ignoring him and his advice.

    Therefore, RA sent his lion Eye, who acted like his mother, sibling, consort, and daughter, to punish humans. Consequently, this eye began destroying humanity. Other gods were afraid that the eye would kill everyone.

    To solve this problem, Ra made his eye drunk by drinking red beer and passed out. That was only in that way that the Eye of Ra could came back to him.

    Why do Ancient Egyptians Wore Ra's Amulets ?

    There were numerous amulets with the eye of Ra in ancient Egypt. This idea is to move away negative energies and bring harmony back into your life. Amulets were used by the people and the Pharaohs to protect themselves, and keep enemies away for as long as possible. It is said that while this energy may be attractive, you should be careful. Sometimes, it can become violent and out of control.

    Eye of Horus Earrings

    Elevate Your Style with the Enigmatic Eye of Horus Pendant

    For the discerning admirer of ancient Egyptian culture and modern sophistication, our Eye of Horus Pendant is a captivating choice.

    Crafted to embody both historical allure and contemporary elegance, this exquisite piece promises to add a unique and mystical charm to your personal jewelry collection.

    Eye of Horus Pendant

    See also : 

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